Dr. Y. K. Kim Receives Scholar of the Year Award at U Mass, Dartmouth

Chancellor Professor Yong Ku Kim, working with a variety of research partners, has been issued 12 US patents ranging from flocked structures for absorbing mechanical impact energy, to auxetic fabrics, biomedical specimen collection device and material, materials methodology to improve the delamination strength of laminar composites, lead pellet recovery fabric and high fiber density fuel cell electrodes.

Kim and his colleagues have submitted eight pending US and European patents. He has received research funding from the federal government as well as private sources. One of his projects with the Naval Undersea Warfare Center involves increasing fiber density in electrostatic flocking for fuel cell electrodes. This type of material can enhance current density of fuel cells and heat transfer, and has a number of potential uses, such as in fuel cells for use in underwater applications, as well as in certain consumer electronic products. Currently UMass Office of Technology Commercialization and Ventures licensed this technology to a microelectronics manufacturer in San Diego, California.

Kim is also involved in the Head Health Challenge. The Head Health Challenge was developed by the NFL, Under Armour, GE and the National Institute of Standards & Technology to better diagnose mild traumatic brain injury, improve protection, and advance materials to mitigate impact in sports. Kim and his partners developed Flocked Energy Absorbing Material (FEAM) technology, a radical new energy-absorbing padding used in helmets and body armor.

Prof. Kim is strong supporter of the American Flock Association and is an important contributor to the AFA triennial FLOCK SCHOOL on the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth campus. His new expanded laboratory will be featured at the 2019 get together.


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